Identification of 11th grade students’ comprehension of estequiometry at the Catholic Secondary School São João Paulo II Iliomar


  • Ilídio Ximenes Moreira Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e
  • Justo P. Cardoso Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e
  • Policarpo Ornai Neto Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e



understanding, estequiometry


Education is the fundamental basis for forming, developing and transferring science to learning subjects through teaching and training, in this way it can provide them with answers and improvements in knowledge, understanding and skills. The objective of this research is to know and describe the level of understanding of 11th year science and technology students in Catholic General Secondary Education São João Paulo II Iliomar on the topic Stoichiometry. The sample of this research was a total of 34 people. The data collection technique was through questionnaire and test. Data analysis method was quantitative descriptive method. The categories for determining students' understanding of subject matter were much fewer; any less; enough; high; It's too high. The survey results indicate that the question that is considered easy is number 5, 6 and 9 because the majority of students answered the questions correctly. However, the questions that are considered difficult are questions number 1 and 2 because the correct answers are categorized much less. Thus, the level of understanding of 11th year students in Catholic General Secondary Education São João Paulo II Iliomar on the subject of stoichiometry with category comprises a high scale. Therefore, we can conclude that the topic stoichiometry is the topic or subject that students are understanding even if they have moved on to the 12th grade. Therefore, we ask teachers to find the appropriate way or method to teach about question number 1 and 2, this way students' knowledge can improve.


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How to Cite

Ximenes Moreira, I., P. Cardoso, J., & Ornai Neto, P. (2024). Identification of 11th grade students’ comprehension of estequiometry at the Catholic Secondary School São João Paulo II Iliomar . Sândalo, 1(1), 127–141.



Research article