The Algebraic reasoning and figurative patterns present in the traditional Timorese lafatik material, in the initial training of mathematics teachers


  • Lucia Yeni Wulandari Suharman Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e
  • Julio Maia Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e



Algebraic reasoning, figurative patterns, pre service teacher education


Mathematics is considered the “science of patterns” (Devlin, 2002; Steen, 1988; Vale, 2013). The various investigations demonstrate the importance of studying figurative patterns as a rich context for developing mathematical activity: it allows them to develop a type of mathematical reasoning that helps them solve problems and develop algebraic reasoning (dos Reis, da Silva & dos Santos, 2021; Suharman, 2018 ; Vale, 2013; Borralho & Barbosa, 2009; Boralho, Cabrita, Plahares & Vale, 2007). The aims of this study are to analyse students' algebraic reasoning in solving figurative pattern problems and to analyse the difficulties that students expressed in their responses on the topic.In this study, 25 students from the 4th year of the Bachelor in Mathematics Teaching, at the Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e, were involved. A mixed methodology is followed, assuming a fundamentally descriptive nature. In the test, figurative tasks are involved as a good starting point for the generalization of patterns (one of the important aspects in Algebra). The involvement of lafatik figures is a didactic proposal for teaching patterns, which highlights some of the potential of this approach for developing algebraic reasoning in a natural and motivating way.In data analysis, shows the ability of students to: identify the number of talitahan form a figure (88%); pattern identification (62%); and identification of the sum of n successive terms of the arithmetic progression (44%). It is also noted the students' difficulty in drawing the figure, comparing the order and quantity. The study then suggests the need for future mathematics teachers to have algebraic knowledge about figurative patterns, particularly from the context of Timor, valuing algebraic reasoning.


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How to Cite

Wulandari Suharman, L. Y., & Maia, J. (2024). The Algebraic reasoning and figurative patterns present in the traditional Timorese lafatik material, in the initial training of mathematics teachers. Sândalo, 1(1), 76–101.



Research article